Back in January Sam and I collected seed from the Banskia Scrub, and now we have a small forest of seedlings.

The Wirilda seedlings (Acacia retinoides) grew quickly; we planted them in the Paddock a few weeks ago.

Here in the photo, on the left, is a pot of the Southern Cypress Pine, Callitris preissi; in the middle, Drooping Sheoak, Allocasuarina verticillata; on the right, a miscellany including sheoak, and Moonah, Melaleuca lanceolata.

The grass trees, Xanthorrhoea, have not emerged – yet.

Muntries, Kunzea pomifera, failed – but I can propagate it from cuttings, with a bit of luck.

2 thoughts on “BANSKIA SCRUB 2”

  1. You can definitely propagate the Muntries from cuttings–use the red-stemmed ones from the leading edges.

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