Soundboard 6

I have finally glued the two halves of the soundboard edgewise, meanwhile offering up – as Dad used to say – a wee little bitty prayer. The aim is to create a seamless seam, which is impossible: the seamless seam in the photos is the best I can do, for now, and in certain lights looks to be entirely acceptable.

Other lights, of course,  paint a different picture – but I can always invoke my default philosophy: celebrate the imperfections, as inspired by traditional Wabi Sabi.

My next task is to shape the soundboard, and thereafter plane/scrape the thicknesses down to those measurements indicated on the perspex template. It’s going to  be an interesting exercise; I have an idea I am headed for yet another ‘learning curve’….

8 thoughts on “Soundboard 6”

  1. Oy veh! as they say in Brooklyn — I hope you are writing an extensive journal recording all the learnings of this journey — which would be a work in itself.

  2. Another big step Chris, cutting out this crucial piece – and I couldn’t see the join.
    Perhaps your Boatshed posts are the perfect journal already, recorded ad lib as you work.

    1. Greetings Lucy. It may be Sam chose a flattering light for the photo!
      A common refrain of the maker: what seems simple from afar gets difficult close-up….

    1. Well, that is kind of you Ian. Maybe I have thought about and looked at that seam too long. At any rate, it is what it is – I move on….

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