Here is the relief carving. I am using miniature files, riffler, chisel, gouge and sanding sticks to clean up the edges, and create an illusion of over,under….
@ Lady Bay, SA
little snail
inch by inch, climb
Mt Fuji
Kobayashi Issa (1763 – 1828) –
translated by David G. Lanoue
Mitsuke – View of Tenryu River: designed by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797 – 1858)
This is number thirty seven of Hiroshige’s 53 Stations of the Tokaido, originally published by Hoeido in 1833 -34.
During the 1950’s, a famous publisher, Takawizama, issued a recut series – and my print belongs to that edition. New wood blocks (based on the original design) were cut by the master carvers, and printed with traditional colours on fine hand-made paper.
I think Mitsuke is one of Hiroshige’s most evocative and successful prints. Of course, he had to make a living, and was obliged to churn out hundreds of designs – many of which were good enough for the purpose, but not of the highest standard.
Maybe fifty or so prints are works of genius. Unlike Hokusai, Hiroshige understood both the strengths and limitations of the medium – and his personality (understated, and perhaps a little melancholic) is beautifully expressed in Mitsuke. It is the creation of a poet; an impulse of the heart – which at the same time goes to the heart of the landscape.
Hokusai, I should add, was undoubtedly a painter of genius, and a brilliant draftsman….but his woodblock designs seem to be more concerned with intellect than subject matter (or material): they are imposed on the woodblock without compromise.
That is just my view; I suspect most art critics would disagree….
The disciple Kung-too said: All are equally men, but some are great men, and some are little men; how is this?
Mencius replied: Those who follow that part of themselves which is great are great men; those who follow that part which is little are little men….
I’m getting there. This is a practice run on a scrap of Huon Pine.
Once the pattern is cut, I will try my hand at relief carving. The lines must be carved under and over as in a woven fabric.
It is a tricky business. My confidence levels have gone up a little, which is something: a few months back the whole thing seemed impossible….
The larger scrap of wood is an offcut from the soundboard. I thought to try my hand at carving a complete Rose; you can see an experimental pattern in one corner.
From time to time I polish the knife blade on a small strop; the edge needs to be razor-sharp for this sort of delicate work – and I keep in mind, too, Dad’s oft-repeated caution: blunt chisels (and knives) are dangerous….