Destined for the Paddock.

There are two additions:  Pink Gum (E. fasciculosa), and South Australian Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon).

The collection of  dune-care seedlings  includes Ficinia nodosa (previously Isolepsis), which has a charming common name: Knobby Club Rush – and the shrub of intoxicating scent, Olearia axillaris, otherwise known as Coastal Daisy Bush, or Wild Rosemary.

These  little  plants have acquired the potency of totems: companions of our youthful days – the long days of summer – as we explored the  adjacent dunes, or set sail for distant lands just across the Bay….

4 thoughts on “FOREST”

    1. Greetings Sneha. The forest must be dreaming of its homeland.

      There is a Boatshed Herb patch – but not yet a vegetable patch. The salt air, and seasonal gales from all quarters are a challenge.

      I have at the least built ‘castles (and gardens) in the air’….

      1. You know this ,Chris, and you certainly know how I talk more than walk, with respect to actually growing local native vegetables and fruits in a specific garden patch for regular consumption.
        But I don’t like wasting any opportunity to repeat this mantra:-
        Everywhere in Australia can be found an amazing variety of edible native plants, and the SW Fleurieu is very well endowed.
        Some better known examples include Muntries, Yam Daisy, Wattle seeds and Sweet quandong. But there are many more including native mints, native raspberry, native carrot etc.

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