Reflection 4

Every generation of mankind inherits the fulness of the earth: the glorious diversity of the creation which is today called ‘the environment’.

It is well that I should speak of ‘the fulness’ and ‘the environment’ – not ‘our fulness’ or ‘our environment’ – because what  the  great preponderance of nations do not (or will not) recognize is that although we belong to the earth, and are part of all things that are in, on or over it – it does not, and they do not belong to us.

Although we have been at liberty to enjoy what we are part of, we must not do so as tyrants or marauders, but as both grateful beneficiaries and trustees. We must discharge our responsibility to future generations by safe-guarding the land, the sea and the air, and all creatures who abide in each.

We may explore, but not devastate; discard, but neither poison nor waste; dig or mine, but neither destroy nor throw into ruin; farm or hunt, but not with mindless greed or so as to endanger what remains; manufacture, but not contaminate or fail to renew resources; build, but neither overwhelm nor distort. We must use reverently, and not squander, infect, or annihilate.

Amidst peoples’ and nations’ scramble for power, for riches, or for futile diversions and entertainment, more than a word or two of exhortation is needed to induce us to turn our gaze, our thought, and our exertions to the glories of creation which – so long as they are conserved – yield joy, rest and inspiration.

But it is not the mouthings of officialdom, the stridencies of orators, or the  sterile repetition of television appeals that will persuade us to leave our daily and arid round of duties and concerns.

It is the poets, the artists, the composers and the craftsmen who, by striving for beauty and to share their glimpse of eternal verities, may entice us to pause – be it only for a few heartbeats of time – to perceive anew, and to wonder at, what the part  of the world in which we live is offering us.

Andrew Wells
Opening address: Spirit of Place
Yankalilla 1993

8 thoughts on “Reflection 4”

  1. “There may be a great fire in our hearts, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.”
    Vincent Van Gogh

    1. If only Vincent could know how many in our world now are warmed by the great fire of his heart.
      So grateful we are for his gifts to this life.
      As Andrew Wells wrote.. ‘ glimpse of eternal verities’

  2. Thankyou Dear Christopher , completely timely , your father’s words .
    I think so much of the same ideas. He says it perfectly.
    Thankyou and your Boatshed for saying.

    1. Greetings Janet, and many thanks for your kind words.
      I was searching for a boat plan in my unruly files, and came across Dad’s speech – tucked away.
      Clearly, its time had come….!

    1. Thanks Geoff. Dad went to the heart of the matter, whatever it might be. Never failed….
      He gave this speech at the opening of an exhibition in Yankalilla, long ago. It certainly made an impact – and I filed a copy of his words, for future reference.

  3. Beautiful speech.
    I love it.
    And, looking always for nuances that others may miss ( you may question my interpretation of someone’s wording, but that freedom of thought and speech, sometimes called democracy, lives in every sentence of your father’s speech ,so I am NOT being critical or negative here!),
    2 words catch my attention: “creation” and “inherits”.
    I too had a Christian upbringing.
    I’m a better person for that.
    But my belief is that what Andrew was saying is we should worship the earth, not worrying about how it came to be.

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