As you can see, the inside surface of the lute body is  clean, and I can now glue reinforcing strips along the seams.

I have cut the strips from medium weight rag/cotton paper: that is the traditional method. I don’t see any particular merit in changing something that has lasted the distance.

Many contemporary makers prefer to use modern material – but I recall the comment of a famous luthier, now departed:

“The way a lute is made affects the quality of the sound”.

Fascinating thought!


I have used these miniature steel Scrapers to clean up the inside of the lute body.

They are not sharpened like chisels. I run a burnishing iron two or three times along the cutting edge, at a slight angle – and this is sufficient to create an effective scraping ‘hook’.

The edge has to be renewed from time to time. It produces a beautiful polished finish.


The endliner, made of Queensland Kauri,  is now installed along the inside edge of the lute body – where the construction is at its weakest.

Later on I will glue an endclasp to the outside edge, for additional strength.

I am pleased to report that the little wooden clamps did their job perfectly well. It seems they are not merely charming to look at, but more or less functional….